Cheat-code N1 [ENG] Demo version: Cheat mode:
Press ~ or [Tab] to display the console window, then enter one of the following
codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
All weapons and full ammo - loaded
God mode - god
Spawn indicated object summon - [name]
View frame rate - stat fps
All ten weapons - allweapons
Full ammo for all ten weapons - allammo
Kills all enemies - killbots
Flight mode - fly
No clipping mode - ghost
Freeze AI movement - playersonly
Set game speed - slomo [number]
Disable flight and no clipping - walk
Object names:
Use one of the following entries with the summon code.
Object Code
Cicada utgamecontent.utvehicle_cicada_content
Dark Walker utgamecontent.utvehicle_darkwalker_content
Fury utgamecontent.utvehicle_fury_content
Nemisis utgamecontent.utvehicle_nemesis
Paladin utgamecontent.utvehicle_paladin
Scavenger utgameContent.utvehicle_scavenger_content
Slow Volume Cube utgamecontent.utslowvolume_content
Unlock all characters:
Press [Tab] during a match and enter unlockallchars. A message stating that a
new character has been unlocked will appear . Go to "Settings", then "Player",
then "Edit Character" to select someone other than Malcom.